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The crazy, true story of the prowler who thought it'd be a good idea to break into the Alpha Upsilon chapter house. What happened next was not pretty.

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In the 135 years that Sigma Chi has dominated the Trojan football team, there may never have been a more dominant period than the era of the legendary "Thundering Herd" teams of the late 20's and early 30's. Rose Bowl wins. National championships. Big, tough players like Gene Dorsey and Chet Dolley.


So it was inexplicable why a prowler decided one night in March of 1925 that it would be a good idea to sneak into the Sig house.


The football players pounced and pummeled until the police came to haul away the dazed prowler.


In our beautiful new Alpha Upsilon chapter history book, available to major donors in the Four Pillars Capital Campaign to build our new house, we chronicle this crazy story as reported by the Los Angeles Times back then.​


Well done, brothers.​

Big Chet Dolley, hall of fame football quarterback was the very first Sig to jump on the prowler in the Alpha Upsilon house.

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The Sigma Chi page in the El Rodeo during one of the years of the Thundering Herd looked like the Trojan football roster: Gene Dorsey, Chet Dolley, Raymond Earle, Craig Nason, Charles Boice, Morris Badgro, Bob Lee, Fred Nason, Newell Cravath, Mort Kaer, Allen Behrendt, Morley Drury are all stars.

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Football and basketball star Gene Dorsey was the second guy to pummel the prowler.

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Chet Dolley was an All-Everything Trojan football star and later became an assistant coach.

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Gene Dorsey was a two-sport star.

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The Rose Bowl and a national championship highlighted a lot of AU Sigs including Dorsey and Dolley.

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