The Trojan Sig Foundation (TSF) was incorporated in November, 2018 and is a California 501 (c) (3) not for profit, Federal Tax ID number is 83-2880858). Its primary function is to support the educational mission of both the undergraduate chapter and the Trojan Sig Housing Corporation. This includes providing funds for the advancement of leadership training and academic scholarships. For information on ways to participate and donate, please contact Lisa Dulyea at ldulyea@outlook.com or 626-375-2757.
The Trojan Sig Foundation works closely with the Trojan Sig House Corporation and the Alpha Upsilon undergraduate chapter.
2020 Officers:
Kerry McCluggage, AU 1976 kerry@craftsmanfilms.com
Matt Matteson, AU 1981 mmatteson@jbmatteson.com
Kendall Young, AU 1983 kendallkyoungs@gmail.com
Jim Burk, AU 1974 james_a_burk@yahoo.com
Chip Herman, AU 1978 chipherman@outlook.com
Bob Vogelzang, AU 1981 bvogelzang2015@gmai.com
Executive Director, Four Pillars Capital Campaign
Lisa Dulyea ldulyea@outlook.com
Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to Sigma Chi.